用 PM 精神在闖盪職涯的打工仔,經歷過傳產、消費性電子業、數據、新創,總是對現狀感到不滿,喜歡探索自己,熱愛點多元技能樹,擅長釐清問題整合工具以應對各種挑戰。我相信開心工作才可以開心生活,追求 Work-life Harmony,永不放棄在工作中獲得樂趣。
Use this area to speak to your mission. I’m a research scientist in the Moonshot team at DeepMind. I blog about machine learning, deep learning, and moonshots.
I apply a range of qualitative and quantitative methods to comprehensively investigate the role of science and technology in the economy.
Please reach out to collaborate 😃